Nonduality MEETINGS


Live weekend in Folsom, Sacramento(California)

The address of the meetingplace: 705 Gold Lake Dr Ste 250, Folsom, CA 95630

For more info and times, please write to contact me or (Tej Kohli)


October 6-12 (2024)- 7 days

Residential in Vietnam in PHÚ QUỐC


Traveldetails: You can fly to Ho Tji Min or Bangkok, and have a inland flight to PHÚ QUỐC. We will pick you up at the airport.

Visa: Please check if you need a e-visa . Passport needs to be valid 6 months after traveldate.

Please ask for the registrationform at contact and send it to . We ask a deposit and after recieving the deposit, your place is garanteed.

You can scan the QR code to pay for the Residential in Vietnam. Paying via

There are some extra costs when you pay via, about 3,2%. Paying by Paypal is also possible, sometimes extra exchange costs. Link Paypal: http://Paypal.Me/roseroes?

After this residential there will be another residential with Kenneth Madden ( )  is giving a residential in Vietnam, October 13-19. If you want to stay in both residentials, please let us know. There will be a possibilty to stay in the hotel with reduction in between the two residentials.


Live meeting in Prague

We are invited in the appartment of Simona in the centre of Prague.

Place : The centre of Prague ( details will follow)

Time: Friday-evening, Saturday-afternoon and Sunday-afternoon.

For information and to register: or Simona:


Non Duality