
    [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]

    WARNING: Reactions are always given within a few days, so please , if you did not hear from me, send your message again to

    You call me on Skype : live:rroes_2

    You can call me : +31- 206230038 / ———Mobile : 0630295654


    C’est possible de parler français dans un réunion en France. Je parle français, mais parfois il y aura des mots anglais.

    J’aime bien la langue française!

    The message communicated by Rose Roes on non-duality is completely free of suggestion or prescription of any kind on what anyone hearing this communication should or should not do. Any response made by anyone after hearing this message is completely of their own interpretation and has no connection to Rose Roes or what is said about non-duality and is their own responsibility.

    Non Duality